By Seamus Anthony
Let’s get clear about one thing: when we started Reckoning we were young, very young and consequently, we had no shame. We wanted to be rock stars because, clearly, we were the chosen ones. We definitely concurred between us that this was self-evident and therefore, irony be damned – point the camera our way, now.
Let me also be clear about one more thing: I am and always have been a massive poser. But the way one goes about one’s posing when one is 19 is, in retrospect, wonderful. For example here you can see I am rocking a dark green vinyl jacket, with no shirt on underneath. Because God-day-em. Goes rather nicely with the green veloure velvet curtains in my bedroom at Mum & Dad’s house – no?
Note also Pete & Matt’s very rem/U2 fashions at the time, which is how I like to remember them.
And last but not least – Stanley the Elephant. Whatever happened to him? Bet Matt has him…