Reckoning Postcard
This is a postcard of Reckoning that we had printed early on (before long hair happened). Probably in 1994 but that’s a guess. We used it to promote gigs.
It’s a photo we took behind the shops in Goodwood, just off Rosa St, which is where all of us lived at one time.
Once somebody met me and expressed surprised because they thought I was a giant. They had seen this picture. Seemed obvious to me that I was standing closer to the camera, but whatever.
my 3d glasses were from that old cinema, the Capri, on Goodwood rd. I got them seeing a 3d Andy Warhol film there. The movie was terrible but I got mileage out of those glasses.
If you have any Reckoning photos, paraphernalia, recordings etc. that we could use on this website please use the form to contact Seamus or email